Saturday, February 28, 2009

We are here!

G'Day everyone! It is now nearly 8am Sunday morning (at home it would be about 5pm Saturday), and I can't believe we've been here for 24 hours! Our welcome at the airport in Brisbane was so warm and friendly...and maybe a little startling for those around us as we were received with loud 'whoops' and cheers! My host family has been so incredibly warm and hospitable - they have made it clear that they are at my disposal, so whatever I need or want to do, they are prepared to make it happen - it has been so wonderful! Luckily, the jet lag hasn't really hit (speaking for myself), so I'm thankful (and a little bit surprised!). Today my hosts are taking me on a bit of a driving tour to meet some of their children and see the area. Then, off to the official "Welcome Barbi" (BBQ)! I have taken nearly 60 pictures in the last 2 days, and I promise we will upload a few as soon as we can!
Until later!

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